The average return for each pound invested in email marketing is around £38 – which is about 3,700% ROI.

This is why some of the biggest corporations use email marketing faithfully and can generate millions of pounds from a few emails.  But you don’t have to be a huge company with hundreds of thousands of subscribers to see a great return for your campaigns.

Sometimes it may be a matter of how you’re writing your emails versus what you’re actually saying. Keep reading to uncover the 7 email copywriting tips that WILL  deliver better results in your email campaigns.

1. Captivate Your Audience With The Headline

The headline is the very first thing people see in regards to your email. This is your first opportunity to reel them in, so you have to make it enticing.

First, consider the thought process of your audience. You’ll need to write headlines that intrigue them enough to, at least, open the email.

There are certain types of headlines used in email copywriting over the years with proven results. For instance, piquing someone’s interest by offering them information in “how to” formats, such as “7 Email Copywriting Tips For Record-Breaking Results” or “Find Out How I Saved £50,000 in one Year“.

Test different headlines by segmenting your list and running A/B split tests. You’ll be able to collect data on which headlines appeal to your audience more. From there you can write more captivating headlines to increase your open rate over time and get more eyes on the actual content in your email.

2. Use Effective Storytelling

People receive tons of emails in a day. So opening your emails should be a different experience for them.

How do you create an experience through email, you ask? Well, you’ll need to get savvy at email copywriting to use the right words that will gain and keep your readers’ attention.

Storytelling is a great way to achieve this. Use the power of words to paint pictures that your readers can connect to. Eventually, they’ll be looking forward to your emails being delivered to their inbox. But this all starts with telling stories that resonate with your audience.

You could use background stories of your business, personal life, passions, examples of others’ personal life (using confidentiality of course), etc. Build trust with readers by triggering their human emotions. Make sure your stories connect back with your company to keep a consistent brand.

email copywriting3. Write Shorter Emails

Depending on your audience, all of your emails may not need to be long-form. Again, people receive tons of emails in their inbox so they may not have time to read through of all them.

However, you might get a better read through rate if you keep yours short, sweet and straight to the point. Keep your email copywriting down to the bare essentials when you have a specific message to send to your list.

4. Use a Clear CTA (Call-To-Action)

Maybe people aren’t clicking your links or performing other actions you want them to do is because you haven’t asked.

Yes, it could be as simple as making the request. An important factor to email copywriting is making sure your call-to-action (CTA) is clearly written within the email.

Provide readers with clear instructions, such as “click here for your free download” or “redeem your 20% discount today”. Most readers will not want to search through your writing for instructions, so adding the same CTA multiple times within the email can also increase click-through rates.

5. Keep a Natural Tone

Nobody wants to read robotic sounding books, blogs or articles. The same goes for your email. Develop a natural, easy flow of delivery when you speak with your audience.

Your tone will become familiar to your audience, and they will begin to recognise your brand’s voice. This will also help with relationship building.

Add a personal touch to the emails, such as personalising greetings for holidays. Also be sure to add the reader’s name throughout the email or at least in the subject line. This creates a sense of conversation, and studies have shown that people generally like hearing their own name.

6. No Boring Emails

This is a very important rule to email copywriting. Do not write dull, lifeless emails to send to your list. They will probably end up in their wastebasket.

Use colourful language and emotionally triggering words. Hook them in with an irresistible email opening sentence to grab attention.

Also add some elements of surprise so you won’t seem too predictable to your audience. Take them on twists and turns through your storytelling.

Whatever you do, don’t be boring!

7. Make Your Email Formatting Friendly

They may have taught you to write longer sentences in high school and to never begin a sentence with certain words. Well, you can (mostly) forget those rules when it comes to email copywriting.

The goal is to make your emails easier on the eyes for your readers. Large text walls often look intimidating and might discourage your readers from finishing your entire email. Increase readability by breaking up the text.

It’s fine to use shorter sentences and to begin some sentences with “and” or “but”. You can even do away with the minimum sentence rule for paragraphs altogether.

Master These Tips and YOU WILL Get Better Results From Your Email Campaigns

Mastering these email copywriting tips may not happen overnight but the more you practice, the more engagement, leads and sales you’ll begin to see. Keep testing what works best for your audience until you find a winning formula. Then rinse and repeat.

Next steps? Review your current campaign to pinpoint adjustments that can be made. Use these tips to help you improve the issues you may be having right now.

Running successful email campaigns can be very challenging but its possible. Feel free to contact us today if you need more assistance in achieving better results from your email marketing campaigns.

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