According to the Centre for Retail Research, a further 31,000 local stores are expected to shut down by the end of 2022.

The report points a finger at weak business growth and competitive online sales, so we had a brilliant idea. Why not strengthen business growth and boost online sales instead?

Maybe it sounds too simple, but with data-driven pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on your side, your business won’t just stay in business, but boom! PPC increases your visibility on search engines so customers can find you online. It’s that easy.

Up your game—and your business—with these seven effective PPC strategies for next-level results!

1. Know the Players

Knowing your customers is key to developing an effective PPC strategy. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What problem are your customers experiencing?
  • How can you solve it?
  • What demographics (age, gender, interests, income etc.) do they fall under?
  • What words would customers search to find the products or services your company offers?

Answering these questions will help you develop a buyer’s persona. Get in their heads a little to gain a better understanding of how customers research online and shop.

Once you understand what customers are looking for and how they’re looking, you can create a list of keywords to target for your PPC campaign. Then, you can use those keywords to advertise to your ideal customer, then drive them to your website. Score!

2. Play Around with Copy

Once you have your keywords, it’s time to put them to use.

Strong headline copy can attract a customer’s attention towards your ad. Using a compelling verb, your call-to-action (such as “Buy Now” or “Sign Up Today”) will encourage them to visit your website to learn more.

Effective PPC ads link to strong, corresponding landing webpages that reflect the same language as your ad. That way, customers know they’re in the right place, and you can keep them focused on completing a single task.

That action—whether it’s filling out a form or shopping from your online store—turns curious web searches into leads or paying customers.

One small ad change can have mega results!

3. One-Up Your Reach

There’s a lot to say about your company, but in a PPC ad, not a lot of space to say it. After all, you want to keep customers focused on completing that singular action.

You can, however, extend your reach by using ad extensions. Here are a few ad extensions you can pin onto your ad to spark interest and boost clicks with potential customers:

  • Location/affiliate location extensions: Show customers your address, give them directions and display your business hours
  • Sitelinks: Direct customers to other pages on your website
  • Call extensions: Encourage customers to give you a call with a convenient link
  • Review extensions: Show off those happy customers with pride
  • Callout extensions: Use language such as “Free Shipping” or “24/7 Support” to list features

4. Negative the Unnecessary

Okay, so not every search is going to be perfect. If your company sells charm bracelets, you obviously don’t want to pay for an ad click when someone is searching “seasickness bracelets” instead.

By adding a negative keyword list to your list of PPC strategies, you can cut out words you don’t want to appear for.

That way, you’re not wasting money on inaccurate search terms like “how to get medical bracelets off.” Let’s leave that one to Yahoo Answers.

5. Replay with Retargeting

A specialist digital agency can help you reach the next level of PPC strategies by adding a remarketing campaign.

Remarketing, or retargeting, allows you to focus on people who visited your website, only to leave without completing an action on the page.

Don’t let them get away! If they’ve hit “Pause” on making a decision, retargeting can show new ads to those visitors before they’re lost.

Fresh, specific language can encourage them to make a decision this time, so you can get those customers in the game.

6. Get Competitive

Your competitors might be hitting the high score and taking that top of page ranking. With a little research, however, you can get the advantage.

Determine who you’re competing against for your set of keywords and take a look at their ads. What are you doing differently? Does your ad language need an upgrade, or your landing page?

You may need to consider a PPC bidding strategy. Tools such as Google’s Keyword Planner can help you gauge how much to spend on certain keywords.

An effective PPC strategy requires constant changes so you can get ahead of your competitors and keep that primetime spot for yourself.

7. Make It On Mobile

We’re a society that clings to our mobile devices and it’s showing across a number of digital advertising strategies. There’s nothing wrong with that; we just have to change the game a little.

If more of your target customers are clicking your ads on mobile phones instead of desktop devices, you need to give your PPC ads the mobile treatment.

First, make sure to optimise your webpage for mobile. Your page speed, text and photos sizes, and forms can impact your page’s performance on smaller screens.

Second, make device bid adjustments to spend more money on the device—whether it’s mobiles, tablets, or desktop computers—your customers use most.

That way, you’re spending your time, attention, and most importantly, your money on your top performing device.

Level-Up with These 7 Brilliant PPC Strategies

With these seven brilliant PPC strategies, you can boost your business and bring in new customers for high score results. An effective PPC strategy can not only help your business grow, but improve your return on investment too.

With a team of dedicated advertising experts as an extension of your team, you can one-up your advertising efforts for the long-term. Stretch your pound and your company’s reach with the right advertising strategies for your business.

Level up your company’s inbound traffic by pressing START and contacting us today to get you in the game with our digital advertising services!

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